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Master in Comparative European Social Studies | MA Comparative European Social Studies

Klicks: 234, Website hinzugefügt: Jan 3, 2014
Master in Comparative European Social Studies | MA Comparative European Social Studies
Master in Comparative European Social Studies | MA Comparative European Social Studies
LINK : mastersocialwork.at
Stichwort 1: macess
Stichwort 2: master
Stichwort 3: european
Stichwort 4: social studies
Stichwort 5: social
Stichwort 6: nol reverda
Stichwort 7: maastricht
Stichwort 8: social professional
Stichwort 9: social policy
Stichwort 10: ma degree
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and the London Metropolitan University, in co-operation with an extended network of 37 universities and colleges all over Europe, offer the MA Comparative European Social Studies