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Klicks: 243, Website hinzugefügt: Oct 3, 2013
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Welcome to the Frontpage
LINK : trichoplax.at
Stichwort 1: trichoplax adhaerens
Stichwort 2: trichoplax
Stichwort 3: trichoplax research
Stichwort 4: genome
Stichwort 5: placozoa
Stichwort 6: diploblastic animals
Stichwort 7: basal metazoan
Stichwort 8: treptoplax
Stichwort 9: the urmetazoon trichoplax
Stichwort 10: tiho hannover
From Trichoplax adhaerens (Placozoa) to DNA Barcoding of dragonflies. ITZ - Division of Ecology and Evolution Institut für Tierökologie und Zellbiologie (Institute of Animal Ecology and Cell Biology) Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Deutschland